Valuation and Buying Tips for Turquoise


Basically, there are two types of turquoise: that without matrix and that containing varying amounts of matrix. The term spider web turquoise indicates an otherwise smoothly colored specimen, except that the surface is covered with a rather evenly distributed network of very fine lines. If these lines are not thread like in fineness, the stone is merely considered as turquoise matrix. The prices given below for the four principal qualities of turquoise are wholesale values based on 14 to 18 millimeter cabochons.

1st Quality

  1.  Stones of top quality are intense medium blue. The color is smooth and evenly distributed (no spots of darker or lighter blue) and there is no trace of matrix, The high luster and semi translucency produce a "glassy" appearance on the surface. Such stones are usually priced from about $8 to $20 PER CARAT. This quality, which is generally known as Persian turquoise, is rare.
  2.  Same as 1) except that the stone shows an attractive spider web effect across the entire surface. This quality, which is usually called Persian spider web, is priced at $4 to $12 PER CARAT.
  3.  Same as 1) except that the stone contains varying amounts and patterns of matrix. Depending on the amount, color and location of the matrix (overall attractiveness being the principal consideration), prices vary from about
    $2 to $8 PER CARAT. This type is called Persian matrix.

2nd Quality

  1.  This quality is light blue and not as intensely colored as Persian. In addition, when compared with Persian, these stones are more opaque. Although many approach semi translucency, the luster is not as high and the texture is often spotted with slightly lighter or darker areas. No trace of matrix is present. PER CARAT prices range from approximately $0.8 to $8.
  2.  Same as 1) except that the stone shows a fine spider web pattern across the entire surface. Prices range from $0.5 to $4 PER CARAT.
  3.  Same as 1) except that varying amounts of matrix are present. Prices range from about $0.3 to $4 PER CARAT.

3rd Quality

Greenish-blue to bluish-green stones, even in the finest quality, rarely exceed $16 for the entire stone. Poor-quality matrix stones often sell for as little as $5 PER STONE.

4th Quality

 Stones in this category are light to dark yellowish green. The finest qualities are seldom worth more than $4 PER STONE; poor qualities with much matrix often bring no more than $2 PER STONE.

 (Note: The qualities described in the second, third and fourth categories are frequently sold under such names as American, Egyptian, Afghanistan, etc. However, only the Persian quality is a strongly established trade grade. Actually, the present tendency is to consider all but the Persian quality as American turquoise) .


Turquoise has an important potential value to jewelry stores of all sizes. Turquoise jewelry is available in a wide range of qualities: from the very inexpensive kind that is handcrafted by the Indians of the Southwest, to beautifully designed and Executed necklaces, bracelets, pins and rings containing the finest quality semi translucent stones that cost the jeweler several dollars a carat. The appeal of turquoise for the many who find it a lovely stone is based almost entirely on its pure, cool color. Light blue is the favorite color of many persons, and no other stone seems to exemplify that color as well as turquoise. Undoubtedly, an important factor in this appeal is the fact that it is comparatively inexpensive, but it does seem to compare favorably with some of the transparent blue stones from the universality of its attraction. Although the supply of fine-quality turquoise is limited, jewelry containing inexpensive varieties is available with some wholesale prices in Bombay. Because it is competitive in price to costume jewelry, it is one of several stones that is particularly suitable for introducing the idea of wearing genuine stones instead of imitations or synthetics. This is a most saleable item for tourists.

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