Physical & Optical Properties of Lapis Lazuli

Physical Properties

Chemical Composition Lazurite is a mineral in the sodalite group: it is common for two or more of the minerals of this group to be represented in the same rock. A glance at their formulae will show they are very similar chemically, and, as might be expected, very similar structurally. Lazurite, however, constitutes the bulk of lapis-lazuli. The chemical formula of lazurite may be expressed as (Na,Ca)8[(S,Cl,SO4,OH)2|(Al6Si6O24)]. The sodium is often replaced in part by potassium and the solphur by S04, chlorine or selenium. Hauynite may be given as (Na,Ca)4-8Al6Si6(O,S)24(SO4,Cl)1-2and sodalite as (Na4Al3(SiO4)3Cl) .
Crystallographic Character Cubic. Gem material is in the form of a granular aggregate
Hardness 5 to 6. The variation is related to the amount of impurities present.
Toughness Fair
Cleavage None
Fracture Granular, uneven
Specific Gravity 2.50 to 3.0; normal, 2.75. The higher S. G.s are caused by excessive amounts of included pyrite.
Streak White to light blue
Characteristic Inclusions Brassy-yellow pyrite and white calcite.

Optical Properties

Degree of Transparency Opaque to semi-translucent,
Luster Polished surfaces are vitreous to waxy; fractured surface are dull.
Refractive Index 1.50
Birefringence Strong, but not apparent by any gemological test.
Optic Character None
Pleochroism None
Dispersion None
Phenomena None
X-Ray Fluorescence Very weak to none. The calcite inclusions, however, may fluoresce brightly I creating a mottled effect.
Transparency to X-Rays Transparent.
Ultraviolet Fluorescence The calcite inclusions fluoresce moderately in a pink color under long wavelength. Lapis itself is generally inert but may fluoresce weak of moderate green or yellowish green under short wavelength.
Color-Filter Reaction Dull reddish brown.
Absorption Spectra None.
Effects Caused by heat Pale-colored stones sometimes darken and improve in appearance when brought to a dull-red heat, but an undesirable green may be produced. If heated too strongly, lapis will lose all color
Effects Caused by Acids Decomposed slowly by hydrochloric acid, giving the odor of rotten eggs (hydrogen sulphide). The calcite matrix effervesces.
Effects Caused by irradiation No effect
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